Do Deer Eat Roses?

Do Deer Eat Roses?

Did deer pass through your garden and then you noticed some damage to your rose plants, leaving you to wonder: do deer eat roses? Keep reading to know the answer. We’ll look into the behavior of deer, their preferences, the potential damage they can cause to your roses, and effective strategies for safeguarding your garden….

Do Deer Have Fleas?

Do Deer Have Fleas?

Like other animals, deer can get sick from diseases, but do deer have fleas? Whether you’re a hunter or someone who frequently encounters deer, understanding fleas in deer is important. In this guide, we’ll look at what causes flea infestations, their life cycle, and how they can be transmitted. Let’s get started!   What are…

What Can Deer Eat?

What Can Deer Eat?

Are you planning on feeding deer and now wondering “What can deer eat?” Deer are mostly herbivores, meaning they eat mostly plant-based foods and crops. Read on to learn more about what deer can eat, what they can’t eat, and tips for making high-protein deer feed.   What can deer eat? 6 Common Food that…

Whitetail Deer Skull

Whitetail Deer Skull

The whitetail deer skull means different things to different people. For interior decorators, it represents a beautiful artwork, adding a touch of wilderness-inspired elegance to indoor spaces. For hunters, it serves as effective camouflage during deer hunting expeditions. And, for some individuals, deer skulls evoke cherished personal beliefs and values. But there’s still a lot…