What Can Deer Eat?

What Can Deer Eat?

Are you planning on feeding deer and now wondering “What can deer eat?” Deer are mostly herbivores, meaning they eat mostly plant-based foods and crops.

Read on to learn more about what deer can eat, what they can’t eat, and tips for making high-protein deer feed.


What can deer eat? 6 Common Food that deer eat

Deer are herbivores animals that eat different types of vegetation to meet their nutritional needs. Here are ten common items that deer can eat:

  • Grasses:
What Can Deer Eat?
Fresh green meadow grass

Deer eat different kinds of grass found in their habitat, like tall grasses such as fescue, bluegrass, and ryegrass. These grasses give deer important nutrients and fiber, especially in the spring and summer when they’re plentiful.

  • Shrubs:
What Can Deer Eat?

Deer enjoy eating parts of shrubs like leaves, twigs, and buds as they roam around. They prefer shrubs like honeysuckle, blackberry, and sumac because they have tasty leaves and are easy to find in wooded areas and along the edges of forests.

  • Fruits:
What Can Deer Eat?
Picture of fresh fruit and vegetables

Deer love to eat different fruits like apples, berries, and grapes, especially in the fall when these fruits are plentiful.

These tasty treats give deer important vitamins and sugars they need to stay healthy during the colder months.

  • Nuts:
What Can Deer Eat?

During the fall, deer depend on nuts like acorns, hickory nuts, and chestnuts as important parts of their diet. These nuts are packed with fats and carbs that give deer the energy they require for the coming winter.


  • Crops:


What Can Deer Eat?

Deer are known for eating crops like corn, soybeans, and alfalfa, which often causes problems for farmers. These crops are packed with nutrients and offer deer an easy meal, when they can’t find enough food in the wild.

  • Fungi:
What Can Deer Eat?

Sometimes, deer eat fungi like mushrooms and truffles, which give them extra nutrients.

Mushrooms and truffles have important minerals that help deer stay healthy. However, not all fungi are safe for deer to eat because some can be poisonous.


Read also: What is Chicory For Deer


What can’t deer eat?

Deer should avoid consuming certain items that can be harmful to their health. Here are a few things that deer should not eat:

  1. Toxic plants: Deer should not be fed plants like rhododendrons, azaleas, and yew because they’re toxic and can cause digestive problems or even kill them.
  2. Poisonous fungi: Some mushrooms and other fungi can be poisonous to deer. Only give them fungi you are sure are safe for them.
  3. Plants treated with pesticides or herbicides: do not feed deer plants sprayed with pesticides or herbicides. These substances can be toxic to deer and may cause health problems if ingested.


How Do I Make High Protein Deer Feed?

High protein deer feed is useful for supplementing deer diet when they can’t get enough natural food. Here’s how you can make one:

Ingredients You Need:

  • Soybeans
  • Corn
  • Alfalfa pellets
  • Molasses


1. Mix equal parts of soybeans, corn, and alfalfa pellets together in a large container or trough.
2. Pour molasses over the mix to hold it together and add sweetness.
3. Turn well until everything is mixed evenly.
4. Allow the feed to sit for a few hours to allow the flavors to meld.
5. Now, put the high-protein deer feed in their feeding areas or scatter it for them to eat.


Read alsoWhen To Plant Soybeans For Deer


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I feed deer?

A. Yes, you can feed deer, but it’s important to do so responsibly and in line with local regulations.

Q. What are Mississippi deer feeding times?

A. In Mississippi, deer usually eat during dawn and dusk when they’re most active. These are the times when they’re out looking for food, so it’s a good time to hunt or watch them.

Q. What is dicalcium phosphate for deer?

A. Dicalcium phosphate is a mineral supplement often given to deer. It gives them more phosphorus and calcium, which are important for keeping their bones strong, and muscles working. It also helps them grow.

What does phosphorus do for deer?

A. Phosphorus is needed for building and keeping deer’s bones strong. It also aids them in energy metabolism for energy and growth.

Q. Is sweet feed good for deer?

A. Sweet feed, often given to animals like horses and cows, might not be the best choice for deer.

Even though deer might eat it if they find it, sweet feed isn’t made specifically for them and might not have all the nutrients they need.

It usually has things like grains, molasses, and sometimes extra stuff in it, which might not be good for deer in large amounts.

Eating too much sweet feed could give deer digestive problems or obesity. So, it’s usually better to give deer food made just for them or let them eat the natural things they find in the wild.



Knowing what deer eat, the dangers linked to eating deer meat, and how to give them extra nutrition with high-protein deer feed are key parts of managing and protecting deer to keep them healthy and support the environment. It’s important to follow your local rules and behave ethically when dealing with deer.

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